with her vibrant portrait of Carissa macrocarpa
We have always wanted to run a ‘Public’s Choice competition’ during one of our exhibitions, so we were delighted that we managed to do it this time.
Ingrid Howes found us some wonderful prizes from Herbert Evans, Johannesburg’s major art store, who in turn approached a few of their suppliers, including Winsor and Newton, Faber Castell and Arches.
The response was wonderful with around 900 entries and interestingly, the results see-sawed from week to week. Here are the final results:
Ingrid Howes Carisa macrocarpa 39 votes Winsor & Newton field watercolour set
BAW 109
Gail de Smidt Scadoxus puniceu 35 votes R1000.00 voucher from Herbert Evans
BAW 066
Farhat Iqbal Strelitzia nicholai 27 votes Faber-Castell colour pencil set
BAW 123
Sibonelo Chiliza Strelitzia nicholai 24 votes Arches pad of paper
BAW 037
Sibonelo Chiliza Scadoxus puniceus 24 votes
BAW 038
Janet Snyman Gasteria rawlinsonii 22 votes
BAW 201
Janet Snyman Cheiridopsis speciosa 20 votes
BAW 199
Jenny Hyde Johnston Adenium multiflorum 19 votes
BAW 120
Elbe Joubert Erythrina latissima 19 votes
BAW 127
Eric Judd Adansonia digitata 18 votes
BAW 133
Congratulations everyone on your beautiful paintings!
The public member winning draw was Keith. He wins Shirley Sherwood and Martyn Rix’s book, ‘Treasures of Botanical Art’.
To our prize winners, congratulations and enjoy your prizes!