Meet the Artist June Good, who will participate in the Western Cape exhibition, Plant 2023

I soon developed a love of hiking in the mountains soon after arriving in South Africa. I joined The Mountain Club of South Africa and met various other members who loved the mountains but were knowledgeable about the plants that grew there.

I started asking questions and consulting field guides so I could identify different plants and learn more about them. At UCT Summer School I took courses on indigenous plants. Other lectures provided microscopes and for the first time I could see parts of plants not visible to the naked eye.

I bought a watchmakers lens and on every hike was enthralled by the hidden beauty of plants. At that point I heard that Vicki Thomas a well known, highly esteemed botanical artist, was holding watercolour courses. This is how my interest in botanical art started and grew.

Over time I have completed many courses but most importantly I have experimented, tried and failed and tried again, found different methods and technoqies (at present I use coloured pencil) my interest has become a passion.

Putting my paintings up for public viewing is an important part of my creative process, and I am delighted to be included in this prestigious Contemporary Botanical Art Exhibition

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