About us
Mission Statement of BAASA: The Botanical Artists Association of Southern Africa shall be a non-profit organisation committed to the promotion and development of botanical art and the scientific and artistic traditions based on this art form.
BAASA promotes public awareness of botanical art by organising exhibitions around the country, using a variety of institutions, including botanical gardens, private and public galleries etc.
Regional meetings
BAASA organises meetings on a regional basis.These meetings are used to bring artists together, exchange ideas, disseminate information from other areas, give constructive feedback on work, plan exhibitions etc. Guest speakers are invited to highlight topical subjects and visits to institutions in the immediate area will be arranged. Membership entitles one to attend certain workshops that are for paid up members only.
BAASA aims to put out a newsletter three times a year (one from each region), giving information on forthcoming exhibitions, art courses etc. Book reviews, interviews, essays, features of botanical or general interest are also included.
Honorary life membership
This award exists to recognize the exceptional contribution of an individual to botanical art in Southern Africa, either through the quality of their artwork over a large section of their career, or their significant contribution to botany and the conservation of the SA flora. It is therefore only to be awarded in exceptional circumstances.
Beyond our boundaries
BAASA hopes to establish close ties with similar organisations in other countries, to exchange ideas and promote Southern African botanical art. Contact will also enable the Association to host visiting overseas artists.